In spite of their Jerk with a Heart of Gold tendencies, Buford and Doofenshmirtz have their moments of these too.His response is to insult their idea for the day, stating "that sounds terrible!" He promptly recieves a comeuppance, and deservedly goes without a best day ever again. So Phineas and Ferb stop being the Beak and invite him to join in on their best day ever. Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Khaka Peü Peü's motive is revealed to be sympathetic: he never had a best day ever.Everyone refers to him as a "bully", though it's probably more accurate to say he's just a friend who threatens you a lot. He may be obsessed with taking over the Tri-State Area, but it doesn't mean he's not a dedicated father. Doofenshmirtz is one, especially in the episode "Finding Mary McGuffin" when he told Vanessa that he's spent about a decade searching for the Mary McGuffin doll she asked for as a kid non-stop.For all her obsession with busting her brothers, she does care about them, she's just too impulsive to stop and realize it. Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Candace, while not a jerk per se.
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